21 Days of Phi Zentangle eCourse
21 Days of Phi Zentangle eCourse
Please join me for the 21 Days of Phi. Why 21 days you ask, because 21 is a Fibonacci number derived from the mathematical concept of Phi.
I hope I didn’t loose you at “mathematical”, haha! Don’t worry, I will only mention the principles of math that seem to guide our art process. For example, you may have heard that images in sets of 3 or 5 are more pleasing in an art composition. There are many more wonderful artistic ideas that come from Phi that you will discover while tangling through this course.
During this pre-recorded course you will use 21-ish Phi tiles from Zentangle Inc to tangle amazing designs over a 21-day period that relate to art principles derived from the Art Masters use of Phi.
Supplies needed for class:
21 Phil tiles from Zentangle Inc or make your own with watercolor paper cut to 5 x 3” (12.5 x 8 cm)
Black fine line pen (e.g., Micron .01 or PN). Beware, we may venture into sepia or blue pen colors.
Pencil and smudge stick or tortillon for shading
Your choice of watercolor or colored pencils (e.g., Prisma or Polychromous) to add color