Knotted Dream Catcher eCourse
Knotted Dream Catcher eCourse
Dream catchers, knots and tangles combine to create a magical, frameable art piece.
In Native American lore, the traditional dream catcher protects the sleeping individual from negative dreams. The positive dreams slip through the hole in the center and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person. The negative dreams get caught in the web/knot and expire with the first rays of the sun.
Join me in drawing a lovely 9 x 12” dream catcher like no other (Celtic Knots and Tangles) in two sessions and bonus pre-recorded content.
Supplies needed for class:
9x12 piece of smooth watercolor paper
Compass, protractor and ruler
Black ink pen like a Micron .01 and PN
Graphite pencil and smudge stick or tortillon
Add color if desired with colored or watercolor pencils